Les Eveilleurs
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Les Eveilleurs / Crônicas de Salicanda

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Les Eveilleurs / Crônicas de Salicanda Empty Les Eveilleurs / Crônicas de Salicanda

Message par Ipiu Jeu 28 Fév 2013 - 20:52

To talk about books !

How did you hear about this books ? In bookstore, library or by friends ?
Is the cover or the summary that made you want to read it ?

Did you like it ? (I guess "yes" if you are here Razz)

That's all for now Smile


I have seen the book in bookstore first and the cover and the title attracted me ! So I borrowed from the library. I bought it later with the new cover !

Féminin Messages : 1552
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2012
Age : 38
Localisation : Gwendalavir

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Les Eveilleurs / Crônicas de Salicanda Empty Re: Les Eveilleurs / Crônicas de Salicanda

Message par luisadruzik Ven 1 Mar 2013 - 19:30

Hey! First, wanted to thank everyone who responded to my presentation. Thank you!
Now, for those who have not seen:
My name is Louise, I make 13 years the 3rd of this month. My English is basic for reading and less than that for writing, so I turn to online translators.
As you may know, Pauline is Brazilian and has a Brazilian mother. He lived here during his childhood and much of the youth and published some of his works primarily in Portuguese. Earlier last year I was in the bookstore as a good reader obsessed I am, looking for my next victim. Ops. Reading. I was interested by the cover first, then the synopsis, and say it was a very difficult decision to choose between Os Gêmeos (title in Brasil, The Twins) and all other books of my basket. I picked up a booklet that was available with the first chapter, and from the first paragraph I was obsessed. Whoa! As the translator put "I" in every sentence... Well, I bought it, read it, I fell in love and created fan club (here called the 'FC', then I do not know). I think this is a great summary of how I meet Pauline.
I hope to meet many readers who like the same things I in the saga, as hope that Claris and Ugh stay together (do not know if I ever got, because here in Brazil we only have the 1st book), that Jad is completely healthy and Eben rediscover Sierra
If you have any questions or curiosity about how the book is in Brazil or something, they can ask me that I'd love to answer, but hopefully also answer my questions about the books that have not been posted here Very Happy


Féminin Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2013
Age : 24
Localisation : Brasil


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