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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

7 participants

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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa Empty Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

Message par luisadruzik Jeu 28 Fév 2013 - 20:55

Hello! My name is Luisa, I 13th birthday this Sunday and I am the proud owner of a fan club of chronic in Brazil.
I do not speak English, much less French, but I try. Laughing
My fan club is ([url=salicanda.tumblr.com]Cronicas de Salicanda[/url]) we have few fans of chronic here in Brazil, but our love is bigger than anything else.
I also have a page dedicated to Claris and Jad on facebook and twitter also unique to the FC. (https://www.facebook.com/cronicas.desalicanda e [url=twitter.com/salicanda]@Salicanda[/url])
I talked to Ipiu by facebook and she told me that it would open a topic here in English, which I think great, now I'll be able to communicate with other readers!
Well, I guess that's it.
xoxo, Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa 3241521018


Féminin Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2013
Age : 24
Localisation : Brasil


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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa Empty Re: Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

Message par Ipiu Jeu 28 Fév 2013 - 21:05

That's really great ! cheers

Welcome Luisa ! =)

I will add your website in ours links.
I create a part for ours exchanges in english, in the part "L'Aleph" !

I'm very happy to see you here ! Very Happy
Can you put the address of this forum on your website, to meet your friends too ?

Féminin Messages : 1552
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2012
Age : 39
Localisation : Gwendalavir

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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa Empty Re: Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

Message par Léti Jeu 28 Fév 2013 - 22:21

Welcome Luisa !

I am glad to meet you. Ipiu told me you will probably come here but I couldn't believe her until I see your presentation.

It's so cool to meet someone reading the same book in an other langage, and who live so far away from France ! (And to speak with this person in a third langage !).

Internet is pretty cool in fact...

Can I ask you how have you known Salicande ?

And : what do you enjoys (except reading ^^?) Have you got a passion like sport or someting else ?

I will peek in at your blog !

Again : Welcome !!
Voyageur solitaire
Voyageur solitaire

Féminin Messages : 285
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2012
Localisation : Ailleurs

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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa Empty Re: Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

Message par Allyster Ven 1 Mar 2013 - 17:08

Louisa Welcome!
Do not worry, I do not think you're the only one to have trouble with foreign languages ​​.. Thank you very much for the links!
I hope you enjoy the forum!

Féminin Messages : 50
Date d'inscription : 22/02/2013
Age : 26
Localisation : Dans un tout petit village

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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa Empty Re: Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

Message par Silgurían Ven 1 Mar 2013 - 22:23

Welcome here, hope you enjoy the place !

Quite great to have people from different areas.
Unfortunately, I don't think any of us speak Portuguese, so let's stick with the English.

Hopefully you'll be around for some time Smile
Voyageur solitaire
Voyageur solitaire

Messages : 258
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2012


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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa Empty Re: Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

Message par Laurelaï Sam 2 Mar 2013 - 15:08

Google Translate !!! Help !!!

Hello Luisa !
I don't speak english very well, but i understand it better.
I thinks, it's a very good idea that echange !

I wonder if there are large differences in the translations... If you see Pauline's books as we...
I hope we can still share long !

I'm sorry if there are many mistakes in my message...
I hope you enjoy our forum too.
By the way, Welcome to you !

Bye !
Empathe initié
Empathe initié

Féminin Messages : 415
Date d'inscription : 10/10/2012
Age : 25
Localisation : Entre mes Mondes.

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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa Empty Re: Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

Message par Ipiu Dim 3 Mar 2013 - 13:00

Happy birthday Luisa !!! jocolor

Féminin Messages : 1552
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2012
Age : 39
Localisation : Gwendalavir

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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa Empty Re: Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

Message par Tom Dim 3 Mar 2013 - 21:16

Happy Birthday and welcome !
It's fantastic to have a firt brazilian fan ! Welcome us !
Voyageur solitaire
Voyageur solitaire

Masculin Messages : 474
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2012
Age : 27
Localisation : Charente-Maritime


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Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa Empty Re: Brazilian Fan! ~Luísa

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